Public Art Projects
The Mural Project!
July 2021
ArtSeed recently partnered with The Griffin Street Center and The Parkview Recreational Center to create two murals inspired by silhouette artist Alice Walker. For two weeks, ArtSeed employees Julie Schweitzer and Gracie Koesters worked with the children at the recreational centers to paint the murals.
Scribner Middle School
November 14, 2018

Platform 22

Popup Art Galleries in 11 Floyd County Parks
Opening Reception, November 10th, 6-9:00pm
Little Free Library

Created in collaboration with Ivy Tech & Exit 9 Art Club
The piece is located at Maxwells Music in Jeffersonville, IN
The Conversation

New Albany High School Public Art Project
Design by Trish Korte
Project implemented by Trish Korte and Kevin Schultz
Sponsors – Rotary Club of New Albany, Keep New Albany Clean and Green